The Paul Harris Fellow recognition is The Rotary Foundation’s way of expressing its appreciation to a Rotarian for a substantial contribution to its humanitarian and educational programs. It is named for Rotary’s founder, a Chicago lawyer, who started our organization with three business associates in 1905.
A world of peace and goodwill comes closer to reality thanks to the Paul Harris Fellows of the Aberdeen Rotary Club. These members gave a gift of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation. It is because of gifts such as this that The Rotary Foundation can carry out an array of programs that achieve beneficial changes in our world: Improved living conditions, increased food production, better education, wider availability of treatment and rehabilitation for the sick and disabled, new channels for the flow of international understanding, and brighter hopes for peace.
The following individuals are recognized as Paul Harris Fellows by Rotary International (+ indicates multiple Paul Harris Fellow awards):
1971 Alexander Maclean Polson +
1972 Stewart H Brown +
1973 Wesley B Bartine +
1974 Jay Goldberg +
1975 Stewart H Brown +
1976 John B Krasowski
1980 J B Brandt
1980 Marzell Mayr
1980 Werner Mayr
1980 Robert A. Stewart
1980 Dale E. Hoover +
1980 Mary-Lynne Reiner
1981 John B. Porter
1982 Richard Kegel +
1982 Charles P Vammen
1984 Annice B Hogsette
1984 John A. Earley +
1985 Frank H. Larner +
1985 William E Pierson +
1985 Harold O Steinman +
1987 Hans M. Bielski +
1987 Robert A. Swedblom +
1987 Dewey Wilson +
1989 Ernest M. Ingram +
1990 Margaret Earley
1990 Larry David Goldberg
1990 Richard D. Hole+
1991 Diddy Goldberg
1991 Jane F Goldberg
1991 Melvin L Harris
1991 Isabelle S Lamb
1991 Esther Marshall +
1991 Kenneth B. Marshall
1991 Alexander W. Rosenkrantz
1991 Kenneth I. Hunt
1993 James A. Boora
1993 Ann Goldberg +
1993 Lou Goldberg +
1993 Patricia G Hole
1993 Carol Hunt
1993 Lynn E. Kessler
1993 Ollie R. Koski +
1993 Christine Peck
1993 Phyllis I. Pieffer
1993 Jeffery M. Reiner
1993 Steven D. Steinman +
1993 Robert F. Street +
1993 Gayle M Whiteside
1994 Fred A. Bruener
1994 Jane Isaacson
1994 Jewell C. Manspeaker
1994 Joel Wolff +
1994 Ruth K. Wolff
1997 Velma E Bielski
1999 Suzanne Rosencrantz +
2000 Psyche Huggins
2000 Susan Hunt
2000 Anita I. Morean +
2000 Gary Morean
2000 H. June Porter
2000 James E. Stamateou
2001 James P. Brennan
2001 Dennis R. Colwell
2002 Janet S Reiner
2003 Joy Beard-Eggert
2003 Debbie Gorman
2004 Lynne Glore
2004 Eric Nelson
2004 Randall S. Ross
2004 William J. Wolfenbarger
2005 Tom Halbrook +
2005 Nancy B. Taylor
2007 Gloria Brown
2007 Thomas A. Opstad
2009 Gary Jones
2010 Patrick D. Quigg
2015 Barbara J. Twibell
2016 Jennifer L. Sturm
2017 Richard D Lovely
2017 Travis Hoppe +++++++
2018 Kati Kachman
2018 Lisa J. Smith
2020 David Steinman
2022 Keith Twibell
2024 Janice Twibell